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Writer's pictureHarsh Chandra Yadav

Catching up with Twitter

"Look on my Works, ye Mighty and despair"

So far this week, I spent some time researching my topic for the class, focusing on the king of the jungle, the lion, and so far my research has intrigued me beyond reproach. I already knew Twitter was a valuable social platform but this week I realized how Twitter can be used for research as well; I followed a handful scientists and researchers, and their tweets led to the discovery of some interesting facts and sources for my research. One rather sad fact I would like to share with everyone is how lions in the shelters in South Africa are taken away from their mothers at tender age and advertised as homeless, so as to raise money in their name. It deeply saddens me how people snatch away those cubs from their mothers just to earn a few dollars.

They fight. They protect. They stand together.

Further, I read about wolves and how each wolf has individual traits. It was very interesting how wolves could be magnanimous and caring as well as smart and cunning. The story of the super-wolf twenty one and the matriarch o-six gave interesting insight into the lives of wolves.

This week I replied to the blog posts of Arman Avagian, Raffi Galajian, and Chengxi Zhu. While replying to my peers I got to know what different topics they were pursuing and what were their thoughts on Beyond Words and Why Birds Matter. While Raffi and Arman are focusing their research on animal cognition , Chengxi is still looking for a topic within the depths of the marine ecosystem.

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